- Additional agreements of book exchanges with libraries in the global community have been signed mutually. The international exchange of books between libraries provides readers in both countries a platform for diverse cultural understanding and cultural exchange between the international cities, in addition to further developing the collection of books in their respective archives.
(1) Book exchange agreements are made with the Oakland Public Library, California, U.S.A., and
(2) The agreements of book exchange have been established with La Bibliotheque municipale de Lyon (The Lyon Municipal Library), France.
- Continuously ongoing book exchanges with public libraries in the international community:
(1) Exchanged books with the Shanghai Library in the Year 2006-2007. This year, we donated fifty volumes of books in economics and technology-related subjects, and received 48 volumes of books from the Shanghai Library in return.
(2) Exchanged and donated our publications to the Biblioteca Central de Macau (The Central Library of Macau). We donated 28 titles of our publications this time, and received 25 volumes of books from the Biblioteca Central.
(3) Exchanged books with the Vancouver Public Library, Canada. This year, we donated 31 volumes of Taiwanese domestic novels for adults to Vancouver, and received 34 volumes of books in English from them.
(4) We donated 26 volumes of Taiwanese domestic books in the subject of daily hygiene to the North Lanarkshire Libraries, Scotland, United Kingdom. In return, we received 31 volumes of books in English from them.
(5) This year, we donated 31 volumes of books in children's literature to the Boston Public Library, U.S.A. We received a kind donation of fifty volumes of books in English from them in return.
(6) Exchanged books with the Oakland Public Library, U.S.A. This year, we donated thirty books in children's literature to the Oakland Public Library, and received thirty books in English from them as well.
(7) We received 25 volumes of books in English from the Seattle Public Library. In return, we donated 28 volumes of books to Seattle, which are domestic novels for adults, and children's pictorial books published in Taiwan.
- Mutual international visits of librarians:
A mutual exchange visit between librarians has been made between the Shanghai Library and the Taipei Public Library. Mr. Yiping Guan, Deputy Director at the Collections Department in the Shanghai Library Reader Services Center, has arrived at our Library for a period of service stay. In return, Mr. Jun-kai Zhuang, Director of the Extension Services, has also stayed for a length of time at the Shanghai Library. We hope that the benefit of mutual understanding and an exchange of experiences at the respective libraries may further strengthen our links across the Taiwan Strait.
Furthermore, Dr. Shu-hsien Tseng, our Director at the Taipei Public Library, has officially visited La Bibliotheque nationale de France (The National Library of France, BnF) and the Centre national du livre pour enfants (The National Center of Books for Children), the Service technique des bibliotheques de la ville de Paris (The Municipal Libraries of Paris, Technical Services), and La Bibliotheque municipale de Lyon (The Lyon Municipal Library) in France.
- Attendance in international meetings and conferences:
This year, two librarians from the Taipei Public Library have attended the 72nd IFLA Annual Conference held in Seoul, Korea. Entitled "The World Library and Information Congress," a total of 115 sessions concerning the various agendas in library development have been held throughout the conference. Also, the conference features a special program in which the attendees are given the opportunity to visit the national library and a public library of choice in Korea. Our librarians visited the National Library of Korea and the Gyeonggi Provincial Central Library, in which the latter became our partner of mutual exchange agreement in the Year 2007. Our librarians are very grateful to have been offered this opportunity to hear and share valuable ideas with the Directors and fellow librarians at the respective libraries in Korea.
- A continuously ongoing membership international library and information organizations:
The Taipei Public Library has been a continuously participating member in both the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) since its official admittances to the respective international library associations last year. In the rapid information transmission context of the global village, this enables our Library to share the resources with more than 53,500 other member libraries in the world through the largest online public access catalog (OPAC), hence substantially benefiting the citizens of Taipei with information access without national and cultural borders.