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I. Library Card or Family Library Card holders are allowed to reserve books or materials that are “On Shelf" or "On Loan", either independently online or by asking our librarians, as long as the holders do not have any overdue books or have violated any regulations. Furthermore, patrons can also choose at which library branch to pick up the reserved materials. (For registered members of the Home Delivery Service, please select the "PBD Home Delivery Service" under “Library for Pickup”;For registered members of the CVS service, please select the "A01 Convenience Store" under “Library for Pickup). As soon as the Library obtains the reserved materials, patrons who made a reservation will receive a notification to pick up their materials at the library.

II. For each Library Card or Family Library Card, a maximum of 7 items can be reserved (including books and audiovisual materials). Deliveries are made once per day (Monday to Friday).

III. A waiting list in order of priority is compiled for the reservations: first-come, first-served once the Library obtains the materials.

IV. Upon the arrival of reserved materials at the designated library branch for pickup, individuals who made the reservation will be notified by e-mail, text message, or telephone. Patrons can also choose not to receive any notifications. To select the notification method, go to the website of our library system. If no selection is made, notification will be sent automatically first by email, and then by phone. Please select the notification method prior to the arrival of the reserved materials at the library for pickup.

V. Individuals may cancel their reservations or change the library for pickup either over the Internet or with a librarian before the materials are transferred. Once the reserved materials are transferred or have arrived at the originally selected library for pick, no changes (canceling or changing the library for pickup) can be made.

VI. If individuals have not picked up the reserved materials before the deadline, the reservation will be cancelled, and the materials will be placed back on the bookshelf for borrowing. In addition, if a patron has failed to pick up 3 reserved books or audio-visual materials by the due date in six months, the patron will be banned from reserving materials for 90 days (starting from the following day of the final pick up date).During the time of suspension, if an additional three books or audio-visual materials have failed to be retrieved, another 90 days will be accumulated, starting from the following day when the original suspension will be lifted.

VII. In order to protect the library users' right to borrow new arrivals, new books will be placed on specific shelves once they are ready. If these books are not borrowed after 7 days, they will be available for reservation and can be transferred to other libraries assigned by patrons for pickup. In this way, popular new books will not be reserved immediately before being displayed on shelves, and patrons of library can have an opportunity to borrow new books.