Edit History
Revised on October 15, 2024.
1. Regulations are enacted according to Article 8 of the Library Law.
2. Opening Hours
- (1) General Reading Room: Tuesday to Saturday:8:30-21:00; Sunday & Monday: 9:00-17:00
- (2) Opening hours of the Main library’s Children's Room: Tuesday to Saturday: 9:00-18:00; Sunday & Monday: 9:00-17:00
- (3) Opening hours of Qiming Branch, Liuxiang Neighborhood Reading Room, and Parent-Child Art & Education Digital Library: Monday to Sunday:9:00-17:00.
- (4) Opening hours of Intelligent Libraries, FastBook Automatic Book Lending Stations, and Circulation Workstations depend on their locations.
- (5) Reading Rooms are open to the public throughout the opening hours of the library. For children under 6 years old, they should be accompanied by their parent(s). While the second floor of the Parent-Child Art & Education Digital Library is only open to those under twelve and their caretakers.
- (6) Library card application, payment of fines and over the counter material circulation are not available 30 minutes prior to the closing time of the library.
- (7) To carry out internal cleaning work, the library is closed on national holidays and the first Thursday of each month.
3. Library Card Application
- (1) The eligible applicant must be (1.)a citizen of R.O.C holding an R.O.C citizen ID, Household Certificate, (if applicable) disabled citizen ID or disability manual, Household Certificate Transcript (remains valid within 3 months), or driver's license. (2.) a resident of China holding entry/exit permits, or residence permits, and foreigners holding passports or alien resident certificates. Taipei City residents with a Household Certificate or Household Certificate Transcript (remains valid within 3 months) may apply for Family Library Card. All credentials should be presented in their original copies.
- (2) Patrons under 12 years old who apply for a library card onsite should present a copy of the Household Certificate or a Household Certificate transcript (remains valid within 3 months).
- (3) If patrons are unable to apply for a library card in person, they need to provide a letter of authorization and ID of their representative and of themselves. If a document validating the lineal or marital relationship between the representative and the applicant can be provided, the letter of authorization can be exempted.
- (4) Patrons who are mentally disabled may apply for the library card only through their lineal relative(s) or legal guardian(s).
- (5) To apply, exchange, or apply for the reissuance of a library compliant Easy Card or iPASS Card, follow steps (1) to (4) of Point 3.
- (6) The Library Card is valid for 6 years. For residents from China and other countries, the renewal shall depend on the term of their residence permit. To renew an expired card, bring the original card along with personal IDs.
- (7) Patrons should notify the library of any change to their personal information. Anyone who has lost his/her Library Card or Family Library Card should notify the library immediately, otherwise the patron risks facing fraud charges for lending the library card to others or losing the library card.
- (8) To apply for the reissuance of the library card, patrons should present the original copies of their documents. A handling fee of NT$50 will be charged. Replacing an Easy Card or iPASS Card for a personal library card or changing to a mobile card is free.
4. Borrowing Materials
- (1) Borrowers should present their Library Cards or Family Library Cards when borrowing books or Audio-Visual materials. If patrons cannot borrow books or materials in person, the patron can assign either his/her direct relatives/spouses with either the original or photocopies of documents that can validate their relationships with the patron. Alternatively, the patron can assign a representative carrying a letter of authorization, the original or photocopy of his/her personal ID and the patron's ID. and the representative respectively to check out books or materials for the patron. Borrowers should obey the copyright laws when using the borrowed books or materials.
- (2)Borrowing Books:
- A. Each person can check out up to 25 books, and family card holders may check out a maximum of 40 books. The loan period is 30 days and can be renewed twice. For items that are in high demand, a person may borrow an extra seven hot-books. These materials are available for only 14 days and cannot be renewed.
- B. Patrons under 18 years old are prohibited from borrowing restricted (R-rated) books or materials.
- C. Borrowers should inspect materials before borrowing. Any damages, including torn pages, missing pages, markings, annotations and stains, should be reported to the library immediately.
- (3) Borrowing Audio-Visual materials:
- A. In-library Use
- (A) The borrower should register at the Information Desk before taking a seat. The time limit for each registration is limited to 3 hours. The borrower may register again if there is a seat available and no one is in line.
- (B) Only one item may be borrowed at a time for use inside the library.
- B. Each borrower can check out a maximum of 7 items, and the loan period is 14 days and can be renewed twice.
- C. Borrowers should comply with the relevant regulations of the Publication Ration System promulgated by the Ministry Of Culture.
- A. In-library Use
- (4) Reservation services
- A. Anyone holding a Library Card or Family Library Card may request books and audio-visual materials of the Main Library as well as those of the library's branches through the library's reservation system.
- B. Each Library Card holder may request a maximum of 7 items, regardless of the format of the materials (books, audio/video materials, etc.).
- C. Reserved library materials may not be cancelled after it goes into transit. In addition, if a patron has failed to pick up 3 reserved books or audio-visual materials by the due date in six months, the patron will be banned from reserving materials for 90 days (starting from the following day of the final pick up date).During the time of suspension, if an additional three books or audio-visual materials have failed to be retrieved, another 90 days will be accumulated, starting from the following day when the original suspension will be lifted.
- D. Picking up the reserved books is limited to the exact Library Card which is used for reserving and cannot be replaced by other Library Cards.
- (5) Renewal services
- A. Books and audio-Visual materials may be renewed twice if it is not overdue, or is not reserved by others while the patron’s library card remains valid. Renewal can be completed through the homepage of Taipei Public Library or APP.
- B. There is a two-time renewal limit. For books the renewal period is 30 days, while the renewal period for audio-visual materials is 14 days. Both take effect the day after an item is renewed.
- (6)All checked out materials can be returned to the circulation desk or by book drop at the Main Library or any other branches. Books can also be returned by collaborating convenience stores. To be noted, books returned by collaborating convenience stores, will be charged relational costs.
- (7) The following materials can not be checked out:
- A. Newspapers, current issues of periodicals, and reference materials.
- B. Materials at the Main Library's Periodicals Room, Reference Room and Resource Center for Adult Education.
- C. The original copies of Special Collections, manuscripts, out-of-print books, treasured edition of translations from different countries, and cultural heritages.
- D. Other materials labeled with "Official Use Only" or "In-library Use Only".
- (8) Any borrowed materials should be returned to the library immediately if patrons receive an "urgently needed" notice from the library.
- (9) Suspension and Compensation:
- A. All the borrowing materials should be returned on time. Patrons may not loan or reserve items if they have an overdue fee unpaid. After the overdue materials have been returned, patrons' borrowing and reservation privileges will be restored once their privilege suspension duration
- B. The privilege of possessing the library Card will be suspended if the materials borrowed are overdue. The suspension period for Personal Library Card is 90 days maximum. The suspension period for Family Library Card is 120 days maximum. Penalties will be calculated based on the number of days overdue. An overdue fee of NT$1 will be charged per day after an item becomes overdue.
Furthermore, Personal Library Card accounts can use 10 points per day from Reading Passbook to offset suspension period. - C. Borrowers should compensate the library for loss, damage, markings, annotations, or missing pages of any material borrowed from the library. Borrowers should either purchase the books, audio-visual materials, periodicals, or newspapers of the same title, edition, volume or date or a more recent edition. Compensation can be made at the Main Library or any other branches.
- D. When a replacement is not available, the borrowers must compensate according to the following criteria:
- (A) If the price of the material is in NT$, the borrowers shall be charged the listed price.
- (B) If the price is a base price, the borrower shall be charged 50 times the base price.
- (C) If the material is priced in foreign currency, the patron shall be charged the original price (using the exchange rate of that day).
- (D) For a set of books that have no unit price, the borrowers shall be charged the average of the unit price.
- (E) Chinese materials (Chinese Book Collections/Materials) without a published price will be estimated at NT$ l per page. If page information is not available, NT$ 400 will be charged per volume. Foreign publications (Foreign Language Collections/Materials) will be estimated at NT$ 2 per page, and if page information is not available, fiction materials will be NT$ 400 per volume and non-fiction materials will be NT$ 1,000 per volume.
- (F) Multimedia materials, such as videotapes, VCDs, CD-ROMs, will be charged NT$ 2,500 per item for public use edition. The home edition is NT$ 500 per item. DVDs and Laser Discs (LDs) will be charged at NT$ 3,500 per item for public use edition, and NT$ 500 per home edition. Audiocassettes and music Compact Discs (CDs) will be charged at NT$ 500 per item.
- (G) Any loss or damage of accompanying materials will be seen as loss of the original material and will be charged the listed price.
- (H) If the compensated material is found and returned within 3 months of monetary compensation, the patron may apply for a refund. If exceeding the allotted time or other various situations deemed uncreditable, no refund will be made.
- E. While the aforementioned regulations are set for all members of the general public, mentally challenged individuals who have lost or damaged library materials shall have their parents or legal guardian(s) compensate for the loss of library property on their behalf.
- F. The Library shall notify the family or the school of patrons who take out library materials without following the correct procedure.
- G. Theft, defacing, damage of any type of material within the collection by a patron will lead to a suspension period of one month to a year or cancellation of library privileges taking into account the seriousness of the matter. If necessary, the library will file a report to the police station for further actions to be taken, or the patron will be ordered to restore any theft, defacing or damage of material within the collection.
5. Services for the visually and learning disabled
- (1) To Apply for Library Card: Those who have a disabled citizen ID (or disability manual ), learning disability diagnosis certificate, may apply for a Library Card for the Learning Disabled at Qiming Branch via mail, fax, or in person.
- (2) Borrowing Materials:
- A. Patrons who are visually impaired or have learning difficulties are allowed to borrow 25 books at one time, for 30 days, and can be renewed twice along with 10 audio-visual items, each for 60 days which cannot be renewed. In addition, patrons may check out a maximum of 30 items of visual books, Braille books, or audio books, each for 60 days, from Qiming Branch by mail, by phone, online or in person. All the aforementioned items may be renewed once.
- B. Reservation services: Visually impaired borrowers may use their library cards to reserve a maximum of 15 items (including the general collections, audio-visual materials, and Braille materials).
6. Using Study Room/Area
- (1) The Study Room/Areas open to the public. Do not occupy seats in advance. The Main Library and the branches may issue number slips, if necessary, before the library is opened. The reader must take a number slip in line. After entering the Study Room/Area, please take the according seat.
- (2) The Library has the right to cancel the use of the seats of those who have left their seats for over one hour.
7. Photocopy Service
- (1) For photocopying, library materials are prioritized over other materials. Patrons should follow the copyright law of the Republic of China, as well as other relevant regulations and laws. Anyone violating the law shall bear legal responsibility.
- (2) Please do not fold the materials for photocopying.
8. Others
- (1) Please dress neatly when visiting the library. Please keep quiet and help us maintain the environment. No heightened voices, lying down, running, smoking, eating, drinking, or any behavior disturbing others is allowed in the library. Pets (exception extended guide dogs for the blind) and dangerous items are not allowed in the library. Flyers, posters or commercial advertisements cannot be posted in the library without permission. Electronic devices such as mobile phones should be turned off or set to vibration or silent mode.
- (2) Reservations for a Library Tour are welcomed in advance either by letter or telephone. The Library has the right to stop any group conducting activities unrelated to reading without permission from the library.
- (3) Patrons should use responsibly any library equipment, facilities or movable property. If theft or damage is committed, the patron will be charged with the compensation of property.
- (4) For reading today’s newspapers, periodicals or using audio-visual materials in the library, please take one item at a time. When finished, please return the item to the designated location.
- (5)The laptop area is restricted to the use of laptops or tablets. Readers and may not appropriate multiple seats. If a seat if left unoccupied for over an hour, the library may rescind the reader’s privilege to retain their seat.
- (6) Laptops and tablets are allowed in specific areas inside the library. The Library also has charging stations for urgent demand of charging cell phones. Except for the specified areas above, other unlisted electronic devices are strictly prohibited from using electricity off unauthorized library outlets.
- (7) All personal belongings, including valuable items, privately-owned books, and handbags, should be taken care of by the owner, as the library will bear no responsibility for any loss of personal belongings.
- (8) Reproduction of the library's materials, filming or photographing of the library's buildings shall be carried out in compliance with relevant regulations. Please fill out the application form first.
- (9) In case of emergency, please follow the instruction of the library staff for evacuation or seeking shelter.
- (10)Anyone violating Point 8 or the advice continuously without improvement, will be asked to leave the library immediately, and will not be allowed entrance for the remaining day in addition to having his/her reading rights at our Library suspended for the duration of the day. If necessary, the library will file a report to the police station for further actions to be taken.
9. These regulations shall be announced and implemented after being reviewed by Reader Services Committee and submitted to the Director for ratification and approved by the Department of Education, Taipei City Government. The same applies to amendments.