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Our Interlibrary Loan Services provides all sorts of channels between the Taipei Public Library and domestic libraries. This is aimed at providing our patrons with unobstructed sharing of resources among libraries to allow the borrowing of books or photocopies of articles in magazines from our cooperative partners. Besides the domestic interlibrary loan services, the Taipei Public Library especially introduces a document delivery service across the Taiwan Strait, establishing a joint cooperation with the Shanghai Library in mainland China. We also accept applications for photocopy requests from libraries worldwide.

In order to apply for interlibrary loan service, please apply for a personal Library Card first, and register in the Nationwide Document Delivery Service System online with your personal Card Number. Besides applying online, patrons may also request an application via electronic mail at ref3@email.tpml.edu.tw, send a fax to 02-2701-0721, fill out an Interlibrary Loan Application Form at the Room of References on the Third Floor of our Main Library, or at the reference desks in all Branch Libraries and Neighborhood Reading Rooms.

Upon the reception of requested materials, a notice via electronic mail or telephone will be delivered to our patrons for picking up and payments. In case the materials are unobtainable, a notice will be delivered to our patrons as well. Patrons may arrive at the Room of References on the Third Floor of our Main Library in person for picking up and payments, or to request delivery of materials to a location of choice, with payments transacted through remittance, using an automatic teller machine (ATM) or at the bank or post office.

For further information concerning our Interlibrary Loan Services, please contact the Room of References at 02-2755-2823, extension 2301 and 2302, or send your inquiries via electronic mail to ref3@email.tpml.edu.tw