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Shihchang Horng, Director

Shihchang Horng, DirectorBasic Information

  • Name: Shihchang Horng


Educational Background

  • Department of Adult & Continuing Education, Library Division, National Taiwan Normal University
  • M.A., Graduate Institute of Adult & Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University
  • Ph.D. candidate, Graduate Institute of Adult & Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University


Examinations and Training

  • Archives Management, Civil Service Senior Examination (1992)
  • Civil Servant Promotion Training (2005)



  • Taipei Public Library staff, researcher, branch director, section chief, secretary (1993-2001)
  • National Taiwan Normal University Library section chief (2001-2009)
  • Director of Taipei Public Library (2009-2021)
  • Director of Taipei Teacher Training Center (2021-2024)


Continuing Education

  • Civil Servant Overseas Research on Special Topics (1999/Seattle, U.S.A./6 months)



  • Ministry of Education's Outstanding Public Servant of the Year (2004)
  • Model Civil Servant of Taipei City Government (2012)
  • Model Civil Servant of the Executive Yuan (2012)