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Details of Reservation for Guided Tours

I. In order to promote full use of our library facilities, the Taipei Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) establishes the following regulations for guided tours especially.

II. There is an upper limit of 40 persons for each reservation. In addition, please note that the application must be made four days prior to the day of visit.

III. In case of emergency cancellation, please notify the Library three days prior to the day of scheduled visit. If the applicant agency fails to notify the Library, it will be rejected on further applications for one year.

IV. Hours of Visit

Monday to Friday
Morning : 09:00 - 12:00
Afternoon : 14:00 - 17:00

V. Procedures

  • A. Internet:(limited to the Main Library only). Please click here to enter the application web page.
  • B. Fax: After completing the application form, please fax it to the Main Library at (02) 2706-4556, or to our Branch Libraries.
  • C. Telephone: Please contact Extension Section at (02) 2709-1605, or contact the Branches directly.
  • D. Electronic mail: Please write to cog@email.tpml.edu.tw, or send your message to our Branches.
  • E. Location: Extension Section, Main Library, No. 125, Sec. 2, Jian-guo S. Road, Taipei City. You may also contact any of our Branch Libraries for visits. 

VI. Download application forms (Chinese)
VII. Application Flow Chart (PDF)(Chinese)