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Model Learning Center for Active Senior Citizens of Taipei City

Stay active with age, enjoy great facilities for a creative new lease of life

The center provides members a reading and learning space.
The center provides members a reading and learning space.

I. Main Feature

Creative reading

II. Objectives

Courses are organized on the theme of “Energy-saving, Creativity and Living Green” with related field trips to benefit the members while encouraging them to engage with the community and reciprocate their knowledge to society.

III. Opening Hours

9:00am–12:00pm & 2:00pm–5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Closed on national holidays and every first Thursday of the month (library closure)

IV. Membership Application Requirements (Free of Charge)

 1. Taipei City resident aged 55 or above.
 2. Two one-inch ID photos and R.O.C. citizen identity card.
 3. Apply in person during opening hours at the 11th-floor Model Learning Center for Active Senior Citizens.



11F map


Model Learning Center for Active Senior Citizens of Taipei City (Main Library)
Address: 11th Fl., No. 125, Sec. 2, Jianguo South Road, Taipei City
Tel: 02-27552823, ext. 2304
Fax: 02-27010721